Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Polling begins in first phase of Indian elections Updated at: 0820 PST, Thursday, April 16, 2009

NEW DELHI: India has kicked off month-long elections for Lok Sabha today and in the first phase, polling has begun for 124 seats of 17 states and federal areas including one seat of Jammu.

Among the states, where polling is being held today, 24 seats for Andhra Pradesh, 20 seats for Kerala, 16 for Uttar Pradesh, 13 each for Bihar and Maharashtra, 11 for Chattis Garh and ten for Arrisa are the important seats.

In the first phase, polling is also being held for six seats for state Jhar Khand, three for Assam, two each for Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalia, one each for Held Jammu & Kashmir, Meesu Ram, Nagaland and Manipur.

Votes are also being cast today for one seat each for federally administered areas of Indiman, Vencohar and Laksh Deep.

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